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Helping Buyers
Make Better Decisions

Consumer News & Business Ratings.

We exist to help consumers thrive.

Our unique content—articles, buying guides, company ratings, business reviews, and consumer news shows—help people make better purchasing decisions while promoting companies striving to provide customer service excellence.

Consumer news & marketplace trends.

Watch both of our shows every week. Better Buyer—we report on what's happening in the marketplace and how it impacts people. Best in the Business—we shine our spotlight on outstanding companies providing customer service excellence.

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Business ratings & buying guides.

Our unique content—articles, ratings, reviews, and videos—help consumers make better purchasing decisions while promoting companies striving to provide customer service excellence.

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Windows and Doors 412 181
Plumbing 1870 582
Chiropractors 2397 698
Business directory, ratings, and reviews.

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Better Buyer.

Update your business information to become more visible in our directory—rather than alphabetical, you will be listed in your area by rating. Your lead form will also be activated, sending new customers your way. Top service providers are often featured on our daily show, Best in the Business.

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More exposure for businesses.

Everything on is free for both consumers and service providers, but if you're looking for more online visibility, promotional opportunities exist. For instance, we can feature your company in an episode of Best in the Business. Ask us about help with SEO, Google Ads, social media, and website design!

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Consumer News

We reach a massive audience on sites like Bloomberg, Business Insider, CBS News, MSN, NBC, Weather Channel, USA Today and many more via the Taboola network. We report on what's happening in the marketplace and how it impacts people.

Our shows on the Taboola network.

Growing companies employ great marketing agencies.

Companies looking for a sizable, positive shift in growth must partner with a reputable marketing agency. Driving site traffic, increasing engagement, and converting visitors into customers is what marketing agencies do. Named 2024 top digital marketing agency in Illinois, RivalMind specializes in online visibility. Learn more about RivalMind's services and proven success.

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Better Buyer business ratings and directory.

Every day we strive to be...

Your source for consumer news.

Your source for consumer news.

We report on what's happening in the marketplace and how it impacts people.

A trusted leader in business reviews.

A trusted leader in business reviews.

We help consumers pick the best businesses for their biggest purchases.

Helping companies thrive.

On a mission to help companies thrive.

We promote the best companies, both small and large, to maximize their online visibility.

Better Buyer - We report on what's happening in the marketplace and how it impacts people.

Featured Show:

Consumer News

We report on what's happening in the marketplace and how it impacts people. Through the Taboola network, we reach a massive audience on sites like Business Insider, CBS News, MSN, NBC, Weather Channel, and USA Today.

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Best in the Business - we shine our spotlight on outstanding companies providing customer service excellence.

Business Spotlight

We shine our spotlight on outstanding companies providing customer service excellence—who they are, what they do, and why they rank highest.

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Buying Guides

Buying Guides

Produced to inform and educate consumers, our buying guides outline the factors you should consider when choosing a service provider.

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eMarket Minute

eMarket Minute

From marketplace insights to brand marketing maneuvers, we're tracking the latest actions in advertising, social media, and on the Web.

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Contact Us

The best buyers ask great questions.

  • Who operates Better Buyer?

    Better Buyer provides business ratings and consumer news content. Better Buyer exists to help people make better purchasing decisions while promoting companies striving to provide customer service excellence, and is a division of RivalMind, a digital marketing agency.

  • What is Better Buyer's mission?

    Better Buyer was born out of a desire to help consumers make better purchasing decisions. Our unique content—articles, buying guides, company ratings, business reviews, and consumer news shows—not only helps people make better decisions, but also promotes companies striving to provide customer service excellence.

  • Do you offer marketing help?

    For businesses looking for more exposure, paid options exist to promote your company in our directory. We can also feature your business in an episode of Best in the Business (viewed on industry, state, metro, and company pages). Because Better Buyer is a division of RivalMind, a digital marketing agency, we also offer marketing assistance through our agency. Named top digital marketing agency in Illinois, RivalMind drives transformational growth through innovative digital marketing, specializing in search engine optimization, Google Ads management, social media management, and strategic website design. Please feel free to reach out using this form, we'd love to help you.

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